Business Overview
The Korea Tourism Organization strives to support innovation and growth of the tourism ecosystem for the development of the tourism industry.
Strategic Directions
- Enhance performance of the tourism industry through innovation and growth of the tourism ecosystem
(Goal for 2024: Develop 245 technology/convergent tourism venture companies)
- Implementation Directions
- Revisit Establish a basis for tourism services (More convenient travel experiences)
- Renovate Business innovation of tourism companies (Expanded corporate businesses)
- Revive Capacity building in the industry and develop future talents (Reinforced industry competitiveness)
- Assignments
- Improve K-tourism readiness by enhancing quality of tourist services
- Manage quality of accommodations through private-public cooperation
- Improve mobility convenience for foreign visitors
- Strengthen HiKR's role in promoting local tourism through the convergence of K-contents and tourism
- Internal and external collaboration of Tourism Business Support Centers to act as hubs for the creation of local tourism contents
- 2024 BETTER里 : Increase tourist population through multi-party collaboration among regions with population decline
- Increase overseas expansion of K-travel tech companies by utilizing global hubs
- Develop tourism souvenirs to represent Korea and expand domestic and global distribution and sales routes
- Establish interactive smart tourist services
- Increase inflow of manpower into the tourism industry by fostering young talents in tourism through cooperation among industry, government, and universities